My favorite food: Grapes.
Foods I'd like to avoid: Tomatoes.
My favorite things to learn: Math and Science .
My favorite color: Blue.
My best friends are: Anna and Grace Hunter.
My favorite games to play: Super Mario Bros. Wii.
My favorite books: Don't have one.
My favorite movies or TV shows: Supernatural and Criminal Minds.
My favorite holiday: Don't have one.
Things I do well: Play lacrosse (Goalie and Attack).
Things I need to practice more: Lacrosse skills. Always room for improvement.
My favorite place to go: Visit my old teachers.
My favorite family activities: Vacations.
My favorite thing to do outside: Play lacrosse.
My favorite chore: Laundry.
My least favorite chore: Dishes.
What I want to be when I grow up: NICU Nurse (RN).
A place I want to visit: I don't really have any interests in traveling.
My favorite part of the year: I like all parts of the year.
My favorite part of each day: Coming to school.