Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!
I did not participate in Homecoming this year. Instead I played in a softball tournament this weekend at the Blue Valley Rec softball complex. We didn't do so well this tournament because we were mixed in with A and B level teams. One huge highlight of my weekend is that I got to see my old eighth grade teacher Ms. Fricke at my softball games. That let alone already made my entire week. Then my mom also took me to Worlds of Fun Haunt on Saturday night and got us fright lane passes. So we made it through all 7 haunted houses in one night.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Share photos!
My weekend was pretty good. I had to work four soccer games Saturday morning. I got an ugly sock tan line from the referee socks. On Saturday afternoon we went to camp Timberlake and had a GS service unit camp out. I was one of the three high school girls running it. We had a fun time and so did the girls. Sunday morning we got out of camp around 10:00am and then got to go home and rest for a little while. Then I had lacrosse practice from 1:45-3:45pm and I got to play a lot of goalie. I got hit like five times in the same spot on my arm. After that was over, we went over to my aunts house to watch the chiefs game and have dinner.
My weekend was pretty good. I had to work four soccer games Saturday morning. I got an ugly sock tan line from the referee socks. On Saturday afternoon we went to camp Timberlake and had a GS service unit camp out. I was one of the three high school girls running it. We had a fun time and so did the girls. Sunday morning we got out of camp around 10:00am and then got to go home and rest for a little while. Then I had lacrosse practice from 1:45-3:45pm and I got to play a lot of goalie. I got hit like five times in the same spot on my arm. After that was over, we went over to my aunts house to watch the chiefs game and have dinner.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
Now that you are several weeks into this class and have coded one (super small) website, what do you think? What are your thoughts on web design? Is it what you thought it would be? Is it better? Worse? What's your favorite part? What's your least favorite part? Explain.
I think it's really cool what you can do with html and css but to be honest, I absolutely hate web design. Yeah, the product is great but it pushes me way past my stress point. Web design was what I was expecting it to be, creating websites, but just the amount of stress it leaves on you is incredible. More than I thought there would ever be. It did come out worse than I thought it was going to be and now I know it's not something I would not want to do for a living. My favorite part was after coding because you had a really cool website that you created yourself. My least favorite part is code academy (the coding in general) because I would do exactly what it was asking, even made sure mine was like the example, and went back multiple times to try to complete it but it would never let me submit it even though what it was telling me that I still needed to do, I already did.
I think it's really cool what you can do with html and css but to be honest, I absolutely hate web design. Yeah, the product is great but it pushes me way past my stress point. Web design was what I was expecting it to be, creating websites, but just the amount of stress it leaves on you is incredible. More than I thought there would ever be. It did come out worse than I thought it was going to be and now I know it's not something I would not want to do for a living. My favorite part was after coding because you had a really cool website that you created yourself. My least favorite part is code academy (the coding in general) because I would do exactly what it was asking, even made sure mine was like the example, and went back multiple times to try to complete it but it would never let me submit it even though what it was telling me that I still needed to do, I already did.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
What is the importance of deadlines? How do high school deadlines reflect or simulate "real world" experience? Give an example of when you met or or didn't meet a deadline that was important.
Deadlines are very important because they teach you responsibility. If the world didn't have deadlines, nothing would get done. High school deadlines can somewhat imitate real world deadlines but they are different deadlines. A deadline in school that you missed could many just get you a bad grade in a class but if you miss a real world deadline you could be fired, fined, or even put in jail. Occasionally i'll be having a bad day and not get my homework done.
Deadlines are very important because they teach you responsibility. If the world didn't have deadlines, nothing would get done. High school deadlines can somewhat imitate real world deadlines but they are different deadlines. A deadline in school that you missed could many just get you a bad grade in a class but if you miss a real world deadline you could be fired, fined, or even put in jail. Occasionally i'll be having a bad day and not get my homework done.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case

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A time in my life where this quote took place is usually always when we are getting ready to take a confusing test with maybe some material I am just not understanding very well. I will try to gather all my notes and study but it just doesn't end up working out that way. Then when it comes to the test, I didn't do as good as I could of because I didn't refresh maybe to my full potential.

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A time in my life where this quote took place is usually always when we are getting ready to take a confusing test with maybe some material I am just not understanding very well. I will try to gather all my notes and study but it just doesn't end up working out that way. Then when it comes to the test, I didn't do as good as I could of because I didn't refresh maybe to my full potential.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!
I played in a softball tournament called the ASA Fall Ball Kick Off. We got to play five games. Three on Saturday and Two on Sunday. In our third game on Saturday, I got the MVP medal for the game. Our team did have some ups and downs because we are a brand new team who has never played an actual game together before. We ended up getting third place over all.
I played in a softball tournament called the ASA Fall Ball Kick Off. We got to play five games. Three on Saturday and Two on Sunday. In our third game on Saturday, I got the MVP medal for the game. Our team did have some ups and downs because we are a brand new team who has never played an actual game together before. We ended up getting third place over all.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

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Below is one of my favorite quotes that I found on Pinterest. Think read and think about what this says and then blog about it. What does this quote mean to you? Elaborate! Feel free to give an example of tell a story.
To me this quote, to me, means you can never run out of new things to see. That there is your mind that you have only used a small portion of, that you can expand to new things. you could travel new places. Even if you couldn't travel, with the technology you have you could almost look up anything or watch anything you want. It means you will never see everything in the entire world before your lifetime is up so you should never be bored.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

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How do you express your creativity? Explain.
I express my creativity by posting my inspirational, positive or meaningful words along with pictures to my Instagram and Facebook. For example I spoke out and reacted to bullying and suicide in honor of Andrea Kranker. I stood against what bad things happened and tried to awaken the social media with my own thoughts from stuff that was happening that really needed to be addressed. I also get creative with trying to think of positive things for other people grieving. My recent one is for anyone that has lost a parent. It said, "There is one thing that I found can be a positive thing about having a deceased parent. If something ever happens, good or bad, tragic accident, whatever it is, I know i will be ok because I have one parent on the living side and one parent in heaven. Wherever I go, I will always have someone who loves me. I know that I will be ok." I love to write positive things like this that are my own work. Just to think of little creative words that can maybe change someone else.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!
This past weekend was the worst weekend for me but not so much for my wallet. I reffed nine soccer games over the weekend for a tournament. I did two games Friday night while it was pouring down very cold rain the whole time I was there. I was supposed to have a one day shoot out softball tournament on Saturday, but then it got canceled because of all the rain. I would say that Sunday was probably my least favorite day of my entire weekend. I was at the soccer complex from 7:00am till 6:30pm. I was at the soccer complex for around 11 hours but only got paid for seven hours! I did three championship games and the first one took about an hour in over time to determine a champion. We played two five minute halves and then they were still tied. Next we had to do a penalty kick shot round and then they were still tied!! This was so rare to ever still have a tie at this point we, the referees, had to ask the field marshal what to do next. We had to do another PK shoot out and we FINALLY had a winner. If any more games after that one went into over time I was at the point where I would want to just plop down on the ground and start crying because I was so mentally and physically exhausted. I'm just happy it's all over.

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This past weekend was the worst weekend for me but not so much for my wallet. I reffed nine soccer games over the weekend for a tournament. I did two games Friday night while it was pouring down very cold rain the whole time I was there. I was supposed to have a one day shoot out softball tournament on Saturday, but then it got canceled because of all the rain. I would say that Sunday was probably my least favorite day of my entire weekend. I was at the soccer complex from 7:00am till 6:30pm. I was at the soccer complex for around 11 hours but only got paid for seven hours! I did three championship games and the first one took about an hour in over time to determine a champion. We played two five minute halves and then they were still tied. Next we had to do a penalty kick shot round and then they were still tied!! This was so rare to ever still have a tie at this point we, the referees, had to ask the field marshal what to do next. We had to do another PK shoot out and we FINALLY had a winner. If any more games after that one went into over time I was at the point where I would want to just plop down on the ground and start crying because I was so mentally and physically exhausted. I'm just happy it's all over.
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Friday, September 5, 2014
Friday, September 5, 2014
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I don't understand why all these kids have their fancy electronic devices in their faces all day and all night. It just doesn't make sense! What is so cool or more exciting on those phones than the real world. They should get outside and play more; get some fresh air. I could be a millionaire if for every time I saw someone with a phone in their face I got a dollar. I'm scared for the future with all these couch potatoes. But yet again I won't be here much longer so best of luck to the youth who keeps their faces in their phones.

I don't understand why all these kids have their fancy electronic devices in their faces all day and all night. It just doesn't make sense! What is so cool or more exciting on those phones than the real world. They should get outside and play more; get some fresh air. I could be a millionaire if for every time I saw someone with a phone in their face I got a dollar. I'm scared for the future with all these couch potatoes. But yet again I won't be here much longer so best of luck to the youth who keeps their faces in their phones.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Tell me about what you have learned in this class so far. Have you learned a lot? Do you want to learn more? What do you want to be able to do by the end of the semester?
I have learned some of the basics of the html code like how to add a link, but even though I have been showed it before, on CodeCademy, I cant remember how to use it like the specific codes you use. I can recognize the code after i get help and type it out, but i cant just remember it and then type the code. So that is what has been really frustrating for me. Again I have learned a lot, but it's not stuck in my memory. I would like to learn to get the html code stuck in my head so I will always remember how to use the codes and how to type them. By the end of the semester, I want to be able to make a website without being frustrated because I can't remember the codes. My goal is to memorize at least the basics of the html code.
I have learned some of the basics of the html code like how to add a link, but even though I have been showed it before, on CodeCademy, I cant remember how to use it like the specific codes you use. I can recognize the code after i get help and type it out, but i cant just remember it and then type the code. So that is what has been really frustrating for me. Again I have learned a lot, but it's not stuck in my memory. I would like to learn to get the html code stuck in my head so I will always remember how to use the codes and how to type them. By the end of the semester, I want to be able to make a website without being frustrated because I can't remember the codes. My goal is to memorize at least the basics of the html code.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
My Labor Day weekend wasn't really too exciting, I mean I had some fun, but its not like I went on a vacation to the lake or anything. It was just a really busy weekend. On Saturday morning I worked, reffed soccer, till 1:00pm, It was pretty hot outside so it wasn't something I looked forward to doing. Then, immediately after that, I turned around and went to Worlds of Fun with my best friend all afternoon and evening. After we got done with Worlds of Fun, my Aunt Jeanne took my family out to the Japanese Steak House along with some relatives that I got to meet for the first time ever. On Sunday I went to the Santa Cali-gon festival with my Aunt Jeanne. It was really hot on Sunday too so it was fun to go look at all the shops that were set up, but it was too hot to stay there all day. On Monday I got to be in the Labor Day parade with my softball team. Our name is the Wildfire so we threw out fire balls to all the people watching the parade. I'm really don't have a thing for watching parades but I surprised myself and had fun throwing out candy to everyone. The rest of Monday I finally had time to work on gathering photos to make a celebration of life video for my dad, which I got a pretty good start on until someone spilled water on the computer. I just hope the computer isn't fried!

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