My Labor Day weekend wasn't really too exciting, I mean I had some fun, but its not like I went on a vacation to the lake or anything. It was just a really busy weekend. On Saturday morning I worked, reffed soccer, till 1:00pm, It was pretty hot outside so it wasn't something I looked forward to doing. Then, immediately after that, I turned around and went to Worlds of Fun with my best friend all afternoon and evening. After we got done with Worlds of Fun, my Aunt Jeanne took my family out to the Japanese Steak House along with some relatives that I got to meet for the first time ever. On Sunday I went to the Santa Cali-gon festival with my Aunt Jeanne. It was really hot on Sunday too so it was fun to go look at all the shops that were set up, but it was too hot to stay there all day. On Monday I got to be in the Labor Day parade with my softball team. Our name is the Wildfire so we threw out fire balls to all the people watching the parade. I'm really don't have a thing for watching parades but I surprised myself and had fun throwing out candy to everyone. The rest of Monday I finally had time to work on gathering photos to make a celebration of life video for my dad, which I got a pretty good start on until someone spilled water on the computer. I just hope the computer isn't fried!

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