For our final in Emerging Technology we were assigned to do research on our family history and then present the information using the skills that we have developed over the time of the course. First, I made two transcripts, one for my mom, Michele, and one for my Great Aunt, Jeanne, with around twenty questions on each. Then, I sat down with my mom and interviewed her at home, and since my aunt lives in Missouri, I had to call her and interview her over the phone. Then, after the interviews, I decided to email my grandma so that I could get a variety of information from more than two people. My grandma did respond back to the email and gave me a lot of names for my great grandparents and great great relatives. After I gathered more information about my family history from some of my family members, I made my family tree using Family Echo. Then, after I got an idea of what my family tree looked liked, I picked 16 people off of the family tree who I felt were an important part of the family, who I also knew somewhat well, and put them on my detailed family tree using Prezi. After the making the detailed family tree on Prezi, I finished everything off with an infographic with where my family originated from along with some statistics. While doing this project, not only did I get to test and reuse my skills that I have been learning to use all semester in the course of Emerging Technology, but I also got to talk to some of my family members and learn a lot of new things about the history of my family.
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